Incredible 70% energy yield of Solarus’ solar panels
Just landed from San Francisco and I was already on the move to Venlo where the head office of Solarus is based. It’s a solar factory that moved to The Netherlands after 10 years of R&D in Sweden. They chose Venlo because of our amazing manufacturing skills. Normally solar cells have an efficiency rate of 20% but by creating both heath ánd electricity these solar panels have an efficiency of 75% which makes them very unique.
Take a look at the tour through the factory and hear more about the background of this project from their Swedish chairman Göran Lundgren. He explains how the project started at Vattenfall, the Swedish enery giant owned by the state that als bought Nuon. And how they now want to conquer the world.
In South Africa they need one of these panels (500 euros) for their heat and electricity. In The Netherlands we will need 4 of these panels for 60% of our annual electric juice.
The Tour
Solarus gave me a tour at their factory in Venlo.