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To be really safe you need to have hundreds of different passwords for all the different websites that you log on to – and it’s also best to change them every once in a while. And let’s not even start about the struggle you need to go through when you forget them. It’s extremely inconvenient and hard to manage. That’s why Ori Eisen started Trusona to replace usernames and passwords with an app that makes it extremely easy to login. You just scan a QR code on the website with your Trusona app and you get access. I interviewed him. How does it work? What does it cost? How much money has been invested in the company and what companies are implementing it? And which millions of websites can use it for free?

See how Trusona works in 30 seconds!

Frank Abagnale is an American security consultant known for his history as a former confidence trickster, check forger, and impostor between the ages of 15 and 21. He became one of the most famous impostors ever, claiming to have assumed no fewer than eight identities, including an airline pilot, a physician, a U.S. Bureau of Prisons agent, and a lawyer. Abagnale’s life story inspired the Academy Award-nominated feature film Catch Me If You Can (2002) and he now supports Trusona. Can you find the real Frank Abagnale?

Watch his inspiring talk at Google:

Michael Maccoby is an American an psychoanalyst and anthropologist globally recognized as an expert on leadership for his research, writing and projects to improve organizations and work. He has authored or co-authored 15 books and consulted to companies, governments, the World Bank, unions, research and development centers and laboratories, universities and orphanages or taught in 36 countries. He also is my uncle-in-law. I interview him about his youth and what drove him to become an author – we will be doing more interviews together. He talks about how his father got him interested in other religions, his radio show when he was 15 years old and his time at Harvard Oxford.

Watch Michael Maccoby’s very interesting talk at Google about leadership below!

Vincent Everts is a serial software entrepreneur and a passionate trendwatcher which has inspired 500.000+ people during presentations and events. He regularly presents on radio, tv & in the media on digital innovation. He is known for his limitless energy, pointed questions and deep knowledge.

Since 2014 he is the founder and organizer of the largest Blockchain Innovation Conference in the Netherlands with 400+ attendees and 80+ speakers. He is a recognized expert in the crypto/blockchain world and is also organizer of the Crypto Investment Summit and largest Dutch crypto conference Day Of The Crypto with 1.000+ attendees, 100+ speakers and 30+ blockchain startups and ICOs.

Vincent is passionate about the changes which the blockchain will cause in identity, government, logistics, healthcare, (E-)commerce, fintech and mobility. Especially the change to electric selfdriving cars has his passionate interest.

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Bill and Melinda Gates are doing a great job spending their money on healthcare and education. They dedicated there annual report of the foundation this year to their biggest benefitter Warren Buffett.

The world is doing really well. Poverty is plummeting, child death are down by 50% and more then 122 million children have been saved.  Melinda and Bill are presenting the numbers in this  letter.

But take a look at the best presenter in numbers Hans Rosling who died 2 weeks ago. He was the beste authentific presenter of statistics ever. God I LOVED his presentations.. Here he tells the story of 200 countries, 200 years  in 4 minutes. BRILLIANT

If you want to see the letter of of Bill & Melinda in a smooth video  then click on this one.

Biggest fact! 122.000.000 million kids did not die because of all the investments!

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Almost 50% of the kids who die do this in the first month. 


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And a low child mortality with  a log GNP is possible! Look at China compared to USA

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If you have 20 minutes watch the first TedTalk which made him famous and opened the eyes of all the audiences all over the world. What really cool is that you do 100’rds of test yourself with the Gapminder tools.

We need better food

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And when women can decide when to have kids the survival rate is twice as high and the total amount of kids goes to 2!

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We have come a long way but still lots of work.

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The goal is 0%! Poverty, Child deaths all the large diseases.



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Michael Blackman General Manager  #ISE2007 @ISE_2007  Integrated Systems Europa started the show 13 years ago for the B2B professional Audio/Video equipment suppliers and integrators. It was 2000 people then. 13 years later the show is still in Amsterdam and Michael talks about the trends in 2017 and  also how the show started and why the Netherlands is still the place to be!

We saw a lot of interesting companies. Beat2Phone is a high quality ECG which is cleared by the Health care authorities. For €300 you turn a phone in a profesional ECG machine. Demo and business background. They are looking for partners in the netherlands and Beyond!

In Helsinki 200.000 fysical visits were replaced by a structured video conference toolVvideovisitlive. Not skype! Cost are €25/patient/month. Instead of a €45 fee for a fysical visit the city pad €5/consult. This family startup has 14 people and a nice system which can be used in many sectors


A demo with screen sharing, video and audio. Also the backoffice.


Robots are everything.. @startshiprobots does delivery in the last few mile like shopping, food and medicine. It’s almost autonomous but sometimes it needs some help from an operator. They just raised  €17M from daimler. 100 robots are runing around in London, Silicon Valley, Berlin etc..

Background and demo

Background of the Robot technology!


Watson ofcourse has incredible promises. Like integrated public information with EPD info and test’s. This can save health care professional a lot of time.

How is Watson used in finland? What does it cost? How do you work with it, what are the cost and a demo made in 1 week!

I talked with John Mattison on Big data & innovation.  He is the MD and Chief medical information officer & medical director for Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest not-for-profit health plan. How can the big huge technological innovation in the medical sector chance the system. What does the Dutch healthcare system need to do? What is the end result but more important how is the change road?


John is a also speaker at Singularity University! These are the most positive people concerning the concequences of technology change on the industry!

Peter Thiel en de bazen van Silicon Valley op de koffie bij The Donald en Mike Pence. De relatie tussen Trump en de tech CIO’s is niet bepaald goed te noemen.

Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Tim Cook (CEO Apple), Elon Musk (medebedenker oprichter Paypal, Tesla, oprichter Space X) , Sheryl Sandberg (2de vrouw van Facebook), Safra Cats (Oracle) en Peter Thiel (rechts naast Trump, miljonair, Paypal, heeft geïnvesteerd in Facebook en Uber en het geweten van de technologiereuzen. Hij investeert altijd in goede bedrijven en heeft geen goede relatie met de pers (hij spendeerde 10 miljoen om een website uit de lucht te krijgen die hem niet beviel). De Rasputin van Silicon Valley. Twitter was niet uitgenodigd…

Wat wil Trump hier nu eigenlijk mee? Het is een eerste aanzet tot een zoektocht naar de gemeenschappelijke belangen. De techneuten willen de hightech immigranten, ze willen winsten uit het buitenland naar Amerika halen en lagere belastingen.

Hieronder een 10 minuten filmpje hoe alle techneuten de Trump Tower binnen komen. Vanaf 6.35 stelt iedereen zich aan tafel voor en wordt er een start gemaakt met de dag:


Peter Thiel was de eerste die zich als Silicon Valley biljonair uitsprak voor Trump. Hij is Republikein, christelijk en gay en sprak in het openbaar op de Republikeinse Conventie: