Home Bedrijven en personen, Events Why Richard Gage continues with his highly controversial 9/11 truth quest on...

Richard Gage

Warning, conspiracy theory ahead, dit is absoluut niet mijn area maar ik vind het interessant om erover te rapporteren. 

TU Delft alumni namen mij mee naar Delft om te kijken naar de theorie van Richard Gage @ae911truth dat de 9/11 buildings door controlled demolition vernietigd werden. Ik heb gekeken naar veel video’s, de presentatie en heb hem geïnterviewd. Ik heb geen idee of hun ideeën waar zijn (zie debunking videos hieronder), en voel me na al deze presentaties nog minder bij machte een definitief oordeel uit te spreken. Wel is het interessant als issue om naar te kijken.

On april 16th 1000 students from the TU delft listened to architect Richard Gage’s conviction that the 9/11 WTC buildings did not collapse because of the planes but because of a controlled demolition.  80% of the audience believed him after his presentation. His arguments can be found here. I interviewed him about why he spent the last 10 years chasing this theory which cost him his career and his relationship. How does society treat you when you spread around this conspiracy message?

Ook interviewde ik Coen Vermeeren, de organisator van de studium generale, over de raad van bestuur van TU Delft, over hun kritiek op de spreker en waarom hij er toch mee doorging. Ook de architect die het onderwerp aandroeg vraag ik naar zijn beweegredenen.

Here is the basic story of Richard Gage from the http://www.ae911truth.org/ organisatation which as he describes it, are 2000+ architects and engineers who want to know the truth of 9/11 destruction, on Cspan. They believe that the 9/11 buildings destruction can only be explained with the controlled demolition theory.

What is the truth of all these arguments? There are a lot of debunking video which seem to make sense. Here is one on WTC building 7, often called ’the smoking gun’ because it went down without a plane hitting it

Here is the first part of 7 videos of the debunking of 9/11 controlled demolition myth. An english guy explains pretty concise what the people at ground zero think of conspiracy theories. Number 4 is about building 7.  The first 1.5m is the reaction of the Truthers on his first 3 video’s and after 3 minutes his explanation starts.

Also interesting, Charlie Veitch – The truther who changed his mind after being taken on a 9 day USA tour by the BBC and talking to engineers, rescue helpers etc. He completely turned around and thinks its a crazy theory.


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