Home Bedrijven en personen, Events Blockchain after the Brexit: From ICOs to STOs | CC-FORUM LONDON

Chief Blockchain Officer in the UK

At the CC-Forum Blockchain Conference people discussed how to restructure Britain after and the financial system after the Brexit. I talked to a member of parliament Eddie Hughes who asks for a Chief Blockchain Officer and wants a prominent role in the new UK system. Talk of the town was the collapse of ICO’s and the coming STO Security Tokens Offering: shares on the Blockchain. Why is he interested? 20% of his voters have identity problems. This is the last budget day of the UK inside Europe! Never spoil a good crisis. What does he expect of the budget and does blockchain innovation have more chance because of the Brexit? Interesting talk!

Why CC-FORUM is a great conference

Why does Robyn Friedman (Chief Blockchain Officer of GameFaceLabs) who worked 10 years in the city on the most difficult complex financial products thinks CC-Forum is a great relevant conference? She explains the current way that assets are virtualized in the financial industry and how it will change the industry. She currently creates rules for a new VR/AR world which is 100% different. Why did she makes that change?






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